22 February 2025

Live Dolphin Stranding at Reen…

Shortly after 9.45 this morning Nic Slocum of Whale Watch West Cork received a call from Ann Shaw to report what she thought was a young dolphin swimming in circles over the mud flats to the north of the spit in Castlehaven harbour known as The League. Responding immediately we arrived to find what appeared to be a adolescent bottlenose dolphin, although still afloat, clearly in danger of live stranding…which it did quickly.

Withing 25 minutes we were able to walk out in knee deep mud and get our lifting sling underneath the stricken animal. With the help of young dolphin watchers Joshua, Toby and Charlotte Slocum, Chris Watkins, Wendy and myself were able to lift what was a 5.5ft long young bottlenose dolphin across The League and refloat this young animal in deeper water on the seaward side of the spit.

Last seen heading towards the open sea we are hopeful this young animal will not restrand. We stayed monitoring the situation for over an hour in which time we did not resight this dolphin. After careful evaluation we determined that this animal, apart for a few minor abrasions associated with stranding, appeared in reasonable health and showed no signs of malnutrition.

We will continue to monitor the area for the next two days in case it restrands.

Many thanks to Ann and Chris for all their help.



  1. Chris Greenslade says:

    Looking forward to the film!
    Hope this made the local news!

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