The oil spill off the southwest coastline has now been confirmed by RTE news as only 80kms off The Fastnet Rock. Authorities believe that the chance of it coming ashore is low but there is no evidence that dispersion activities are taking place at this time. Up to 300 tonnes is thought to have been discharged into the sea and the slick currently covers around 4 miles by 5 miles.
There appears to be little coverage of this item on local radio news.
If this slick, of what we believe to be bunker oil spilt during refueling activites between two Russian warships, comes ashore in west Cork it will deal a severe blow to the hard pressed tourist industry in this part of Ireland…
We really need to hear how the authorities are going to handle this clean up and how the slick is going to be dispersed. Astonishingly it appears that foreign warships are exempt from Ireland’s marine pollution directives.
Wildlife will die as a result of this spill but it represents a much higher threat should this oil come ashore. Offshore bird life is currently most at risk.
…keep you posted.
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