Updates to our Mailing Lists…
We are undergoing a thorough list cleaning during the later part of 2011 and early 2012 and we would ask that you take just a few moments to update your email preferences and which newsletters and email updates you would like to be subscribed to..
If you WOULD LIKE TO SUBSCRIBE to any newsletter
This can be done in one of two ways..
1) You can email us directly requesting to be put on the Whale Watch West Cork newsletter and update mailing list simply by putting SUBSCRIBE in the subject box of the email. You will be placed on the mailing list.
2) You may enter the website at http://www.whalewatchwestcork.com and simply click on the Join our Mailing List lozenge on the right hand side and select your preferences. Click Her
If you WOULD LIKE TO UNSUBSCRIBE from any newsletter
This can be done in one of two ways…
1) If you receive a newsletter you can email us directly and put UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject box of the email. You will be removed immediately from the mailing list.
2) On any email newsletter or update you may receive you can click on the link at the bottom which says Manage your Subscription. This will take you to a page where you can select your email subscription preferences.
If you have any questions about the management of your subscriptions which you cannot find answers to please don’t hesitate to contact Whale Watch West Cork directly by email or phone, full contact details are on the website.
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